My boyfriend inadvertently named my blog. He made a comment about how much I change my hair and talk about what I want to do with it or what I potentially might want to do someday.
I am a little hair obsessed, I LOVE to reinvent myself, and a big part of that has to do with my hair. I have had short, long and layered styles; had bangs or fringe or all one length; been blonde, brunette, redhead; I've had highlights and lowlights, etc.
I have been dating Keith for a little over 9 months, and when I met him I had chin-length black hair, I had just gotten my long hair cut into a Posh bob to preserve the 10 inches of un-bleach-fried "new growth".
Now I am trying to grow it long again, and constantly trying to improve it
I have stripped the black out, deep conditioned it, gotten highlights; I've dyed it red, which is pretty ridiculous to maintain, so I’ve been looking for the perfect color/shampoo/conditioner/product to compliment my eyes/clean but not strip/nourish and preserve/mend my ends but not weigh it down.. and so on and so on,
In my quest for better products I rattle on about hair colors and products and styles non stop..
Right now, I need a trim, and while shopping online the other day, I found a model with a really cute haircut. I posted a picture of it on my Facebook page (which is something I frequently do) to see if my peers had any insight for me.
The only response to it was from Keith, "hair this, hair that..."
Granted this guy has had the same hair style for almost his whole life and it works great for him, it's his trademark look. =)
That’s where I had the idea for this blog. It's place for me to reach people who get that changing your hair color, cut and style, trying new makeup products and techniques and finding new inspiration, is and it's exciting,
My hair is my expression, other people get tattoos. I change my hair color.
So it’s hair this, hair that…
<3 Whitney